Since coldwater coral reefs only occur at great depths, most hobbyists are largely confined to fish, sea anemones, crustaceans, echinoderms, mollusks and Feather duster worms.

Ī significant diversity of species exists. Maintenance of these tanks is similar to keeping a fish only tank with live rock, or a non-photosynthetic tropical aquarium. Most colorful species are found in the western Pacific and west coast of North America. The anemones and invertebrates in temperate waters easily rival their tropical counterparts.

Colorful species such as the ornate cowfish, blennies, and sea anemones can be found. One of the more obscure types of fish tanks, the coldwater marine tank, holds fish of temperate climates, with temperatures ranging around 10 to 24 ☌ (50 to 75 ☏).
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By the 1980s, a biologically-based understanding of how to maintain an artificial ocean environment brought more successful and widespread marine fishkeeping. More efficient chemical testing allowed aquarists to understand the chemical properties of aquariums. The advancement of fluorescent lighting technologies to provide higher output, along with metal halide lighting, enabled the first reef tanks, making it possible to keep corals and other invertebrates without natural sunlight. Various advances in filtration included trickle and hang-on filters, both allowing a more natural equilibrium in the aquarium environment. This advance made marine fishkeeping popular in areas without access to clean sea water.Īir driven, counter-current protein skimmers and reliable submersible electric heaters were invented in Germany. Synthetic salt mixes were developed to replicate the chemical environment of the tropical ocean, including trace elements and salts. Aquariums were equipped with large air compressors, and were heavily aerated and filtered (primarily with undergravel filters, a norm for some time).Īn ever-growing number of hobbyists experiencing the inconvenience of gathering natural sea water and the concurrent development of analytical chemistry techniques led to research into the chemical composition of sea water. Aquarium literature of the time suggests that the most commonly kept marine fish were the percula clownfish, sergeant major damselfish, small, brackish-water pufferfish and scats, jeweled blennies, and blue damsels.

Natural saltwater contains many unwanted organisms and pollutants. The clean, sterile tank was viewed as the healthiest.ĭuring the early days of marine aquaria, saltwater was collected at local beaches. Algae, including beneficial types such as coralline algae, were viewed negatively and were generally removed. Bleached coral along with a substrate of coarse crushed coral were the norm. Personal saltwater fishkeeping began on a wider scale in the 1950s, starting with the basic rectangular glass aquariums (usually 20 gallon), still popular today. In 1846, Anna Thynne maintained stony corals and seaweed for almost three years, and was credited as the creator of the first balanced marine aquarium in London. The Aztec Empire had 10 ponds of saltwater aquariums at Texcoco.

The first saltwater tanks were Venetian glass jars where the Romans kept anemones outdoors, but these systems were very short lived.